Artikel mit Tag postfixadminDonnerstag, 9. Februar 2017PostfixAdmin 3.0.2
This release fixes a security bug - admins could delete protected aliases like abuse@ (CVE-2017-5930). Besides that, some non-security bugs were fixed. Read the official announcement for details. Packages for openSUSE Tumbleweed and updates for Leap are already on their way to the official repos :-) Tags für diesen Artikel: postfixadmin, security
Sonntag, 11. September 2016PostfixAdmin 3.0
Right. there isn't a beta label anymore :-) It's more than two years since we released the first beta for 3.0 (and even more years of working towards 3.0 - I started working on the PFAHandler class in 2011) so I think we can safely drop the beta label. PostfixAdmin 3.0 is now officially the stable version of PostfixAdmin. I'll keep the 2.3 branch maintained for a while if someone finds critical or security bugs, but nevertheless it's probably a good idea to upgrade to 3.0 whenever you have some time. See the official announcement for details and the changelog, and my PostfixAdmin 3.0 slides (which still wear the beta label) for a quick overview of PostfixAdmin and what's new in 3.0. BTW: I already submitted PostfixAdmin 3.0 to openSUSE Tumbleweed and Leap 42.2. It will arrive there as soon as the submit requests get accepted. Montag, 3. Juni 2013
Geschrieben von Christian Boltz
in english, Linux, Reallife
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LinuxTagJos at Towel day (aren't you exaggerating a bit? ;-)
Vor gut einer Woche ging der LinuxTag zu Ende. Zeit, kurz darüber zu schreiben ;-) Ich war drei Tage in Berlin. Neben einigen interessanten Vorträgen war ich oft am openSUSE-Stand, um die Fragen der Besucher zu beantworten und habe mit 3 Runden openSUSE Jeopardy dafür gesorgt, das openSUSE-Motto "have a lot of fun" umzusetzen. Außerdem hatte ich mich mit PostfixAdmin am Stand "einquartiert". Das erwies sich als Vorteil, weil deutlich mehr PostfixAdmin-Benutzer und -Interessenten zu mir kamen als letztes Jahr am Project Meeting Point. An dieser Stelle vielen Dank an Bernhard, Jos und Sascha, die mit mir den openSUSE-Stand betreut haben, und ans Travel Support Programm für die Unterstützung bei den Reisekosten. LinuxTag ended about a week ago. Time to write about it ;-) I was in Berlin for three days. Besides listening to several interesting talks, I often was at the openSUSE booth, answered the visitor's questions and did 3 rounds of openSUSE Jeopardy to put the openSUSE motto "have a lot of fun" into practise. Besides that, I "accomodated" myself with PostfixAdmin at the openSUSE booth. This turned out to be an advantage because many more PostfixAdmin users and might-become-users came to me (compared to the Project Meeting Point last year). Thanks a lot to Bernhard, Jos and Sascha who manned the openSUSE booth together with me, and the travel support program for supporting me. Dienstag, 27. September 20111001 bugs - or: the golden rules of bad programmingIf you missed my talk at the openSUSE conference or want to see the slides (including notes) again - here we are: 1001 bugs - or: the golden rules of bad programming as PDF Dienstag, 15. März 2011Releases!Gleich zwei Releases in einem Blog-Eintrag:
Freitag, 1. Januar 2010Prosit Neujahr!Prosit Neujahr und alles Gute für 2010! Dieser Artikel enthält einiges, das ich schon 2009 bloggen wollte, und außerdem eine kleine Neujahrsüberraschung von SpamAssassin ;-) Happy New Year! This article contains some things I wanted to blog about in 2009 already, and a little new year surprise from SpamAssassin ;-)
Sonntag, 23. März 2008Migration von Plesk/Qmail zu Postfix/MySQL
Alle Queries wurden bei einer echten Migration getestet und funktionieren. Zur Verwaltung der Mailkonfiguration nach der Migration zu Postfix empfehle ich Postfixadmin (RPMs), bei dem ich auch seit einiger Zeit mitprogrammiere. A bit late (because a lack of time), but with greetings from the easter-bunny, I publish the SQL queries that are needed to migrate from Qmail / Plesk to Postfix with MySQL backend. Some of the queries have good chances to win the longest-SQL-query-of-the-year award ;-) All queries were tested while a real server migration and work. To manage your mail addresses after migrating to postfix, I recommend Postfixadmin (RPMs) on which I'm co-developer since some time. Die SQL-Queries und einige Details stehen im vollständigen Artikel - bitte weiterlesen... The SQL queries and some more details are available in the full article - read on...
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