Sonntag, 11. September 2016PostfixAdmin 3.0
Right. there isn't a beta label anymore :-) It's more than two years since we released the first beta for 3.0 (and even more years of working towards 3.0 - I started working on the PFAHandler class in 2011) so I think we can safely drop the beta label. PostfixAdmin 3.0 is now officially the stable version of PostfixAdmin. I'll keep the 2.3 branch maintained for a while if someone finds critical or security bugs, but nevertheless it's probably a good idea to upgrade to 3.0 whenever you have some time. See the official announcement for details and the changelog, and my PostfixAdmin 3.0 slides (which still wear the beta label) for a quick overview of PostfixAdmin and what's new in 3.0. BTW: I already submitted PostfixAdmin 3.0 to openSUSE Tumbleweed and Leap 42.2. It will arrive there as soon as the submit requests get accepted.
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